The 6th Conference held in 2017 focused on the following key themes:
- Producer-consumer cooperation towards developing LNG market in Asia;
- New LNG opportunities driven by innovation
- LNG as transport fuel
- Flexible LNG market and spot trading
As Japanese government’s two contributions to develop the Asian LNG market, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry announced that Japanese public and private organizations would arrange finance in the scale of 10 billion US dollars and provide opportunities of capacity building for 500 personnel in the next 5 years.

At the 7th conference, participants discussed
- a variety of issues, including securing gas security through establishment of a flexible and transparent LNG market,
- importance of LNG within the energy system and new demand of LNG, and
- how to secure LNG supply under the situation as the market seeing the changes in LNG contracts. etc…
The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, delivered a speech stating that Japan would contribute to expanding the LNG market in Asia, by drastic expansion of financing support and support for emerging consumer countries in development of regulation, master plans etc… and called for cooperation between producers and consumers in order to enhance the LNG supply security.

The 8th Conference held in 2019 focused on the following key themes:
- Demand Creation in Emerging Countries and Looking Back the Half Century since the Introduction of LNG in Japan
- Role of LNG in Achieving SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals of the UN)
- Revolution of LNG Market
- Innovations to Support Further Growth of LNG Indu
The Minister of Economy, Trade & Industry, delivered a speech stating that Japan will commit to:
- Provide an additional 10 billion US dollars of finance by Japanese public and private sectors to expand LNG market
- Provide training programs to another 500 people bringing the number of trainees to 1,000
- Develop LNG market by linking new supply sources with Asian growing demand, making use of our ample experience